Friday, April 27, 2012

Care for a carrot?

And the theme today is carrots.

Last week I bought this "soup starter" and turned it into a delicious chicken veggie soup. I always put carrots in that kind of soup, but this is the first time I've used celery root instead of celery stalks. It has a different taste - sweeter I think. These little bundles are available at lots of shops and are the perfect size for a small pot of soup.


And lately I've been drinking this tasty carrot juice that has just a little bit of honey mixed in...


Slightly more unusual was the gourmet carrot / orange sherbet that I had tonight as we strolled around after dinner. (sorry no pic - it was too dark. But here's a picture from this evening on our way home)


And certainly the most surprising of all, is that Justin had carrot soup for lunch today!!
I have to tease him a bit - he likes his veggies, but usually he would never order a pureed soup. Europe must be getting to him...  ;)

and spargel (asparagus) season is just starting...


Carina said...

Love the idea of a soup kit. Can't say I've ever used any celery root, or even know how to go about cutting/cooking it.

Watch out that you don't OD on the carrots, or you'll end up looking like you fake bake. =)

Lily said...

I'm definitely going to look for the carrot honey drink on our trip. And carrot soup sounds good to a fellow non-veggie lover ;)
And what a beautiful walk home!

Lily said...

Oh - and I love the idea of having a little soup starter kit! In the US that means buying a processed dried seasoning kit, not just a handful of fresh veggies.

Christina said...

hey Lily - you might find a similar soup starter at home - I've seen them sometimes but they are usually more expensive than just buying some carrots and celery yourself. It's perfect here, because our fridge is so small I don't have room for a lot of produce or leftovers.

Christina said...

Carina - can you really turn yourself orange with carrots?? I don't think I need to worry. now beets on the other hand...

Alex and Russ said...

Well we got very excited to see you are blogging again, but then noticed there's been nothing since April ... hope all is well? We are off to Australia again in December, just a short visit before Christmas, too many withdrawal symptoms! Don't think we'll manage to get up to Cairns from Brisbane and back though in 2 weeks!