Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hobos in Berlin?


One week ago Justin and I moved to Berlin, Germany, our new home for awhile. yeah!

So it seems like a good time for me to revive this blog in order to chronicle our adventures as we navigate daily life in a foreign culture & language. No grand purpose here – just a way to entertain our friends and family back home and keep a (spotty) record of our lives.

Living permanently in a new country is so much different than backpacking, and so I’m looking forward to posting about the more day-to-day items that have frustrated or amused me, as well as any sight-seeing etc. The subtitle of this blog may well be “Christina masters the ancient art of the Hausfrau.” No kidding. I’ve spent more time this past week googling german appliance instructions than seeing the sights! But once I’ve sorted out my Bugelfeucht from my Schranktrocken I’ll be ready to hit the museums :)

The last post is literally years out-of-date so here’s the lightening summary to fill in the gap. After caravaning/backpacking around the world for about 15 months we landed back in the US and bummed around for a few months before settling down in the Bay Area again. That was in December of 2009 – although it feels like ten years ago now. We had a couple good years in the Berkeley/Oakland area*, but our itch to travel again was strong so Justin started looking for work overseas and landed a good job in Berlin – so here we are in Deutschland.

*during which time I dyed a lot of things blue, but that’s a different blog


Carina said...

We've missed you in blogland. Welcome back!

Lily said...

Good luck with the Bugelfeucht and I expect you to bring us some cheesy worms when we meet in Amsterdam!!

We can't wait to read more posts!